Even thought baby #2 isn't due for 6 months, I cannot stop thinking about what I am going to need for this little one. H was born in February (winter) and this one is due in July (summer) so there are a few different things that I am going to need. The one thing I know that I cannot use is my Easy Baby Car seat Cover - that I just loved. It was great for winter, but would be WAY TOO hot for a summer baby. So, tonight I did some hunting online (a favourite past time of mine) to see what I could find. After much searching I came across a very cool product that I am definitely going to be ordering sometime in the near future: Buggy Bubble.
The Buggy Bubble:
-is an all in one weather protection cover
-it fits most infant car seat carriers
-it has a framed enclosure that gives a lot of space for your little one
-it is water resistant and UPF 50+
-it is made out of mesh and therefore has good air circulation
-and more
It would be great for those summer months as it would protect the baby from sun, wind, bugs, etc., and it is also very breathable so I wouldn't be worrying about him/her overheating in it.
You can check out this product on their website at www.buggybubble.com and it is available on there for $29.99 free shipping.
If you have any other great First Year Favourites, please send them my way!