A friend of mine, Tamara, from Australia, just sent me a bunch of her faves. Her little guy M is a few months old and she now has a ton of faves ready to share. Here are two of her bathtime faves!
Bbox Nappy Wallet:
"The bbox is my new best friend. It is way better than a nappy/wipes wallet because it is more compact and fits in my handbag. The change pad is really thin and not padded BUT unless you are changing your baby on concrete, it doesn't matter. It can hold two nappies, and is perfect for a day out. The accessibility of the nappy wipes is perfect because you can access them without opening it or by opening it. It also holds lots of them. The bbox comes in a variety of colours and patterns too. I had to order it online."
The Flexibath
"The flexi bath is great for us because commonly in the tropics we do not have baths, just showers (too hot for a bath). Also for a small home, it stows away very nicely. Even if you have a bath tub, it saves on water cuz you don't have to fill the whole tub just for a little munchkin. It is quite deep as well. Also comes in a variety of colours."
Thanks, Tam! Both of these are very cool products! I also got excited after looking them up on the Internet. The nappy wallet sounds ideal and I am hoping that the diaper clutch I ordered a few weeks ago is just as great... It was hard to find this item online in Canada, but I did find it on www.amazon.com selling for $18.95.
The Flexibath is a really neat idea and great for those whose travel a lot. It is also good for those who are looking for something bigger than the baby tub but smaller than the regular bathtub. I have a lot of moms looking for an alternative and this is definitely it! I found it online at many stores, but it was the cheapest at www.storksandberries.ca as it was on sale for $49.99.
Thanks for sharing and I cannot wait to post more of your faves very soon!