While visiting my parents the last few weeks, Hudson enjoyed playing with this cool toy called an "Adventure Play Tent" which is made by Blue Hat (the same company that we got the Kids MP3 player from). It is basically two tents that are connected by a tunnel. He loved not only just playing inside of the tents, but crawling through the tunnel back and forth. I can see that this would be a great toy if you had two or more children, but as it was just Hudson there, I was the other kid who had to play in it. I could fit into the tents, but the tunnel was a bit iffy! :)
Now that we are home, I have been trying to find this tent online. Every site I go to says that is currently unavailable??? I did find however, a similar tent, made by Discovery Toys, but it only comes with one tent and a tunnel.
My mom purchased the tent from one of those companies that brings things in to your workplace, so I am going to try and contact the woman who I bought the MP3 player from and perhaps she can get me the tent also.
The only con I can see about the tent is that it needs a lot of room when set up. It was easy to put together and seems somewhat durable. I could see little ones storing their toys in it and having a lot of fun!
Even just a kids tent as a toy could be hours of fun!
Was just on the Toys R Us website and they have a very similar tent (just different colours) for sale.