A friend of mine, who is a soon to be mommy, sent me an email today wondering about which products she should use for shampoos, creams, etc. She has been doing a lot of research on it and is feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the "hypoallergenic, natural, none of this added or that added and not to use this because it can cause this" that she has been coming across. I use the Johnson products (lavender) but I know that they are quite perfumed and I have also tried some of the Aveeno stuff and both have seemed fine for my little H.
We are putting it out there to all of you for some of your favourite shampoos and creams - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. To add your favourites just click on the comment link below this post.
Please and Thank You!
We received this soap in a basket when Mia was born and still use it for both kids. It's mild and smells good, too. The Bare Organics bum cream was a favourite as well.
I agree with the above comment. We received the Bare Organics bum cream too and it seems to work great. I've been buying and really like the Aveeno products.