H is getting his second molar - which made me think of the teethers that we tried with him. I can't really say that he preferred one over the other or if he even liked any of them, but he did try chewing on the ones below.
Here are a few that we tried:
1. Sophie - he chewed on Sophie a bit, but not like some of my friends kids. H liked squeaking her more than biting on her. Sophie is a good alternative though as she is made from a safe plastic.
2. Nuby Bug-a-Loop - again he chewed on this a bit, but it was more of a toy for him, rather than a teether. Each bug had a different texture to it.
3. Razberry - he liked this one but not until he was a bit older - probably because it was a bit too big for his mouth. It acts like a soother, but has bumps on it for teething.
4. First Years Massaging Action Teether - again he liked this one, but not until he was a bit older. This one vibrates when they bite down on it. H was afraid of the pulsing action at first, but later on he seemed to like it.
We also tried the Nuby Keys that you put in the freezer, but then learned that they had been recalled... I wouldn't trust any liquid filled teether as you never know exactly what is inside of it.
All babies are different. H wasn't one for putting stuff in his mouth, he didn't even really want to take a soother until he was 3 months and then I really had to push it (we were flying home and I thought it would help his ears).
Do you have a favourite teether - why not share it with us?
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