Jillian has sent me tons of her faves - thanks for the support Jillian! Here is another:
"Leapfrog "Letter Factory" move - Love it!!!! We were given this movie when DD#1 turned one and I am so thankful. DD only watched it once or twice a week but learned the letters and sounds by the time DD was two. It has a catchy song that reviews the sounds. The same song is used in the Leap Frog Letter Fridge Magnet--which is a great toy as well to go along with the movie."
Cool Jillian - we have the Leapfrog Letter Fridge Magnet and the Wash and Go Vehicle Magnet Set and H loves both of them. We have one on the fridge and the other on the dishwasher so when we are cooking there is plenty there to entertain him. He also loves the songs and stops and dances in the kitchen. I will have to check out the movie - H really isn't into TV yet - but you never know!
I just purchased this DVD today at Toys R Us and you can buy it on its own for $12.99 or with another movie that is about counting for $14.99, I went with the latter!