My sister-in-law introduced me to this site as a great way to send gifts to people far away. Chapters online offers a variety of items besides books and we find it is really great for kids items.
The best thing about Chapters is that if you spend more than $25 the shipping is free! I have sent birthday gifts, new baby gifts and even ordered a few books for H this way and the shipping cost absolutely nothing!
Chapters also offers an online price, which sometimes is cheaper than the price in the store or other stores for that matter.
One last great thing about Chapters is their actual shipping. You get a tracking link where you can see exactly where your package is and the shipping is so QUICK! Every time that I have used it my order has gotten to the recipient in 3 days after being shipped!
If you have a gift that you need to send to someone in another city then I would highly recommend using www.chapters.ca
Thanks, Lana, for the great idea!
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