Alyssa just sent me this info where you can get free baby items, all you will have to pay for is shipping!
free nursing covers at
free baby carriers at
free breast pads at
promo code: breastfeeding
She used it and it worked, so give it a try! No idea how the promo is for - so try it right away!
Thanks Alyssa!
Moms are constantly looking for suggestions from other moms. Be it new products or tried and tested ones, cool websites, or important information - we are always looking for recommendations. I would like this to be a place where we can share things that we either like or don't like with each other - so let's see how it goes! Send me an email at with your favourites!

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Looks Good - Naked Nursing Tank

I saw something about this tank on a friend's Facebook page and had to look further into it. The company says that a Naked Nursing Tank is a mid-section cover up for the nursing mom. Basically, this is a tank top that you can wear under a regular shirt which allows a mother to nurse by lifting up their top instead of having to worry about wearing a specific nursing top or one that buttons down. The nice thing about this tank is that you can lift up your shirt and still have your stomach covered while nursing.
They are made in Canada from bamboo cotton, come in a variety of styles and colours and cost $49. They are sold in a variety of stores here in Southern Ontario or you can purchase them online from their site.
If purchasing one it is suggested that you purchase according to your pre-pregnancy size.
Check out this neat product at
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summer Favourites - Wet Bags

Yesterday I met my girlfriends down at the waterfront so the kids could play in the Splashpad. As I was packing my bag, I remembered (for once) to throw in Hs wet bag that I had picked him up awhile ago. This made me think that I should post about how useful it is and why you all should pick one up.
A wet bag is basically a bag with a waterproof lining that you put your wet clothes in to keep the rest of the stuff in your beach/swim bag dry. They are also great for dirty clothes and supposedly a "must" for cloth diapers. What I really like about them is that the rest of your stuff in your bag (e.g., cellphone, keys, other clothes, etc.) stay totally dry. They are also nice as they are reusable and machine washable (instead of using plastic grocery bags).
I purchased mine online (of course) from one of my discount websites from an etsy company named SnuggyBaby. I am happy with its quality and durability. I have also seen more expensive ones sold on other websites like Itzy Ritzy. The large wet bags from SnuggyBaby sell for about $28 CAN while the large ones from Itzy Ritzy sell for $22 USD. Both large bags measure 14" x 17" and can hold 6-8 cloth diapers (or Hs swimsuit, water shoes, hat and beach towel).
I personally like the Snuggy ones better as they have a larger variety of fabrics (30 choices compared to 4) and they also come with a snap handle so that you can hang the bag.
Check out both companies at:
Etsy Favourites,
Itzy Ritzy,
Summer Favourites,
wet bags
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Just Gabbing - Deal on

Today on they are selling the BabyZoo turtle nightlight. We have this and H really liked it as it was easy for him to turn it on and off himself. We used it for him after we shut his light off at night. I liked it because it was somewhat soft (so safe for bedtime), had a timer (with a bunch of choices) and it had two brightnesses. It is on sale today for half price for $9.99.
Go on over to to check it out!
Just Gabbing,
My Baby Zoo,
night light
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Looks Good - Bugslock Bands

I saw these on one of the local websites that I frequent often, Charlotte Monkey Creations, they peeked my interest, so I decided to do some research and check them out.
Bugslock Bands are these adjustable wristbands that are made from 100% natural materials that repel mosquitoes. You can wear them on your wrists, ankles, even put them on your stroller to help keep the bugs away. They give off an aroma which supposedly the insect does not like. It is safe and can be used on infants as it is non-toxic and deet free. They come in a variety of colours and each band lasts about 240 hrs if you put it back in its bag when you are not using it. (That's 10 days!)
I have ordered a few to give them a try and will hopefully be taking them with me when I head up north in just over a week. I will post more about them once I have had a chance to try them out!
You can read more about Buglock Bands at or you can purchase some from Charlotte Monkey Creations by visiting her Facebook page at!/CharlotteMonkeyCreations
bug spray,
Bugslock Bands,
Looks Good,
Summer Favourites
Monday, July 25, 2011
First Year Favourites = Sleep Sheep

Andrea had shared this product with me (and you) awhile ago, but after now having one myself I thought I would write about it again. Basically the sleep sheep is this plush toy that plays 4 music selections (water dripping, ocean waves, whales and something else I cannot remember). You can set it to play continuously for twenty something or forty something minutes. The one I have is the smaller on the go version that has a velcro strap so that you can attach it to cribs, strollers, car seats, etc.
Right now, we have it strapped to Ps crib and we use it at night time to help settle her back to sleep after feedings (she's not ready for the mobile yet). My favourite music selections are the water dripping and the ocean waves (both remind me somewhat of a white noise machine). When she was still sleeping in our room in the bassinet, I even found the music soothing and relaxing. :)
I purchased mine from but have seen them sold at a variety of stores including Serenity Birth Studio and Toys R Us. The cost approximately $30.
I also think that this is a great gift idea as it is probably something that a mom would not go out and purchase for herself as it is not a "necessity".
First Year Favourites,
serenity birth studio,
sleep sheep,
Saturday, July 23, 2011
First Year Favourites - Fisher Price Mobile

In preparation for Hs arrival we had purchased a whole nursery set to go with our underwater theme. It came with the bedding, valence, wall art and two mobiles. One that just hung there that we put over our change table and one wind up mobile that we used on the crib. I thought that this would be sufficient to keep the little one happy and content in his/her crib.
My girlfriend, Dawn, had told me about this great mobile that she used, but I was convinced that what I had was enough. Little did I know that she was right. The wind up mobile that came with the set was cute, but after winding it up it only lasted a few minutes and then you had to sneak back in and noisily wind it up again. Not the most ideal situation. After a few weeks of doing this, we decided to ask Dawn if we could borrow her mobile to see if it was as good as she said it was. IT WAS BETTER!
This mobile was the "bomb"! It had lights (which projected onto the ceiling), music (4 or 5 selections) and movement, it was battery operated (no more winding), it played for a lot longer and the best part - it came with a remote so that you could restart it from the hallway if you needed to.
H loved this mobile and we were so happy with it that we went out and purchased our own from Toys R Us (for about $50). It is very colourful (and maybe not fitting with all decors) but it does come in a variety of themes: Ocean Wonder, Precious Planet, LuvUZoo - so you should be able to make it fit somehow with your nursery.
We don't have the mobile up yet for little P, but I know that as soon as she is ready she is going to love it too!
First Year Favourites,
Fisher Price,
Ocean Wonders
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Little Girl Favourites - Rufflebutts

OK, I never thought I would be this woman - but after having a little girl I am now obsessed with anything girlie! To go along with this new obsession I have now made a new category - Little Girl Favourites. I feel awful that I never did a Little Boy Favourites with just having H, so I am also going to go through all of my old blog entries and label any that are just for boys to also create a Little Boy Favourites category.
So, another cute company that I have come across since having a little girl is Rufflebutts. They make these absolutely adorable pants,bloomers, one pieces, swimwear, etc. that have - you guessed it - ruffles on the bum!
I just love the little pair of denim jeans with ruffles on the bum pictured above. The personalized bloomers are also very cute!
You can either purchase their products online from their website or try to find them from other online stores (I have tried with no luck yet!)
Check them out at
Little Girl Favourites,
Monday, July 18, 2011
Just for Moms - Coffee

With having a newborn again, I find myself constantly drinking coffee. It's like I crave it - need it! In the morning, I drink it hot, in the afternoon I drink it cold and in the afternoon (if I need it) I drink it hot again!
When I am out on the go the two places I frequent often are Neighbours and (don't laugh) McDonald's.
From Neighbours, I live for their cafe latte. Their large is like an extra-large and for a gas station coffee bar - it is amazing! What I really like about Neighbours is their price - my large latte with a shot of flavour costs no more than $3 compared to Starbucks where it would cost at least twice that. If you haven't tried Neighbours yet I suggest you do - they are located in many Petro gas stations.
From McDonald's, I like their ice coffee with vanilla. Again, a funny place to get a coffee but trust me it is yummy! Right now, all summer, McDonald's has their ice coffee (and pop) any size on for $1. When we are out and about shopping, I cannot resist picking one up for the drive home!
So there you have it - I am a coffee addict and these two places are my weaknesses.
The funny thing is, just as I was writing this, H came over and accidentally spilled my coffee all over the kitchen table where I was working. I am not sure which I am more upset about - the spilled coffee or him wrecking many of Ps birth announcements which were ready to be mailed out? :)
ice coffee,
Just for Moms,
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Favourite Updates - Little Monkey Doodles

I have written about this Ontario company twice already (I had ordered a door sign for Hs room) - but am sooo happy with their customer service and products that I need to write about them a third time!
I just ordered P a door sign for her room and one also for our front door for nap time. I had looked through the options on the their page on etsy and liked many but wanted to make a few changes to suit our taste. I was able to totally customize the art to what I wanted and am so happy with the final products. The artist and I emailed back and forth about what I was looking for and she even sent me some proofs to look at before she actually made the final signs. She even made some suggestions to me about font and I extremely appreciated her opinion.
What I learned about this company this time around is that every piece of artwork that they create is done entirely by them: from the cutting down of the tree, the sawing of the lumber and to the actual creation of the artwork. So cool!
I cannot say enough good things about them - you just have to check them out yourselves at
I know that you won't be disappointed!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
First Year Favourite - Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe

When H was born we mastered the swaddle using receiving blankets - so I never saw the need to use the Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe that I had purchased beforehand. We also stopped swaddling him very early and moved him into a sleepsack.
With P, the swaddling with the receiving blankets just wasn't working for us, so one night I decided to try the "pink" swaddleme that a friend had lent us. Wow! I was amazed at how well it worked! I liked how it had Velcro in a few places so it really held together well - instead of just tucking the blanket in and hoping it held. I also liked the sizing - the one we are currently using is a small and fits P perfectly. They come in a variety of sizes and we have the next size ready and waiting if we need it. She doesn't seem ready for the sleepsack like H was, so I anticipate using these for a bit longer.
They sell at ToysRUs for just $14.99 and are often on sale! I think I may have seen them at Walmart as well. Like I said earlier, they come in a variety of sizes, but also come in different fabrics (e.g., cotton, fleece, organic) and colours.
I also tried the Woombie - which she HATED because it zips right up to their necks locking their arms in, whereas the swaddleme has more of an opening at the top where I let her hands poke out of so she has some movement.
If you have a newborn and are currently just using receiving blankets to swaddle them I would suggest you try the Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe - you just may be surprised (like me) at how well it works!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Favourite Updates - Small Potatoes and Pish Posh Mommy

I wanted to tell you a bit more about two companies that I have recently purchased from.
The first one is Small Potatoes. Like my earlier post on them said, they are a Canadian company based out of Manitoba. From them I had purchased a really cute sun hat for H and a diaper clutch for myself. I just LOVE the hat and so does H. It is well made and is in a cool black and grey guitar print that he just loves. The diaper clutch was nice, but in my opinion not quite big enough to hold a few of his size 4 diapers and a small plastic wipe holder. It kept opening up inside of my purse because it was stretched to hold everything. Needless to say I am not using it anymore and have moved on to using something else (see below).
The second company is Pish Posh Mommy. I have been eyeing their carryalls for quite some time now and finally purchased one (the quickzip model) at half price from one of my baby discount websites. I just LOVE this item! It holds a few diapers for both H and P, wipes and a change pad. It has many little pockets to hold other items as well and it fits nicely into my diaper bag or purse and makes using either with the kids very simple. Just today at the doctors office I only took in the carryall instead of lugging in the whole diaper bag. It keeps things organized and easily accesible. If you are looking for something like this I would high suggest picking up one of these!
Check out either of their websites at:
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Other Favourites - Picture Perfect Photography

When P was just one week old we had a photographer come in to the house to take some pics. She was suggested to me by my sister-in-law (who knew her from teachers college) and her company is called Picture Perfect Photography.
I was so impressed with her pictures online that I booked her way before P was even born, even before I had a section date.
On picture day, Dana arrived with props, backgrounds, flooring, blankets - galore! It was so great as I really didn't have much "girlie" stuff to put P in. She even came with a portable heater to keep P warm as she was naked for most of the pics - talk about being prepared!
She took pictures of just P, just H and some family shots too! Unfortunately, H wasn't really into smiling that day- but she still got some cute ones of him. I don't normally post pics of my kids, but above are just two of my faves that she took.
Yesterday, I received my edited pictures and I am sooo happy with them! We got all the prints in colour and in black and white, plus a DVD of the pictures as well.
If you live in the Barrie area, I would highly recommend Picture Perfect Photography. She is quite reasonable compared to many photographers and what I really like about her is that you get all of your photos on disk so you can print them wherever you want at your own cost. She also comes to you - which is definitely nice with a newborn!
Dana will also be in Thunder Bay at the end of July and is looking to do some mini-sessions there as well.
If you are interested in Picture Perfect Photography and would like more details, don't hesitate to contact me.
Her Facebook page is:
and her website is:
Check her out!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Other Favourites - Babytrend Sit N Stand

My Sit N Stand stroller is the one thing that I have been using the most since bringing little P home two weeks ago. At least once I day we are out and about and using it - either in the yard or out for walks. H just loves his "big boy" seat and it is so easy for him to get in and out of quickly. We also use it just in the front yard for P to sit in and then when an impromptu walk down the path hits us - we are ready to go. On Monday, I took it to the local zoo and it was easy to get in and out of the vehicle (for Dawn as I am not allowed to lift anything yet) and it was also easy to maneuver around!
I can't imagine what I would do without it and I look forward to all of the other places that we can use it. Next month I will be heading to TBay to visit my family and I know that it will make life with two kids (and just myself) much easier in the airport.
If you are expecting your second and your first is extremely mobile I would HIGHLY suggest you pick yourselves us one of these!
Monday, July 4, 2011
First Year Favourites - Snuggin Go

I spend a lot of time worrying about my little ones - do you? One worry that I had with H and I feel it coming up again with P, is about flat head with them spending so much time on their backs or favouring one side over the other. With H I was constantly sneaking into his room and turning his head from one side to the other and each night putting his head at a different end of his crib. Already I see P liking to turn her head one way over the other and I find myself obsessing over it. (I know I am crazy!)
Then, today, I remembered this cool product I saw on last week. It is called the Snuggin Go. Basically this is a device that keeps your baby properly positioned and breathing right in their carseat, stroller, swing, baby seat, etc. It stops their heads from slumping by keeping their heads up and facing forward.
The Snuggin Go is made for children 4 to 30lbs (birth to a 1 year) and another model is also available, the Snuggin Go Too, for older children. The neck and shoulder support is adjustable and it also has leg support for slouching and dangling legs. They come in a variety of colours and are machine washable.
They sell online on their site for $34.95, but their shipping is outrageous (another $19) so I opted to look for them elsewhere. I found one online store, in Alberta, that sells them for $39.95, but only charges $5 for shipping. The store is called Bumblebee Baby and Kids ( When I visited this online store it said that the Snuggin Go was out of stock, but when I emailed the company I was told that more are on their way but that they sell out very quickly. I have prepaid for a black one and will be anxiously awaiting its arrival. Bumblebee Baby and Kids also sells a variety of other unique baby items so be sure to check out their website!
Check out the Snuggin Go website to learn more about their product at
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Favourite Websites -

Bargainmoose is a website devoted to posting printable coupons, sales, freebies and deals in Canada. Every day many deals are posted for you with amazing savings for all kinds of products. They do the legwork for you - all you need to do is read a bit about the deal and then follow the link to the mentioned website. For example, the past few posts were for sales at Photobooks, ToysRUs, American Apparel and Puma.
I would suggest you subscribe to it so that every time they update the site an email with the deal is sent to you. I "follow" it through and the updates are then posted under the "Blogs I Am Following" section. I believe they also have a Facebook page that you could like and follow as well.
If you are an avid online shopper like me, you will find this website absolutely addicting!
Check it out at!
Favourite Websites,
Friday, July 1, 2011
Other Favourites - Name Your Design

I came across this company while searching another company's site and fell in love with the photo wall art that they sell. Basically, you upload a baby pic of yours and then they customize the picture with your child's name, birthdate, weight and length. It is a great keepsake and a neat addition to your nursery.
Right now the company is offering 20% off through to August with the code "itzy20". The wall art originally sells for $20.00 but with the coupon code they are on sale for $16.00. (This is the price for an 8 x 10, other sizes are also available for a different price.)
They also sell items like lunch boxes, placemats, growth charts, notepads and more!
The only downfall right now is that they do not ship to Canada. I have contacted the company and am hoping that they will get back to me with news that this has or will be changing. I would love to order one for each of my kids, even though H is now 2, it would be a great keepsake!
As soon as I hear back from them I will post more!
** Update: July 7th: Well, I am totally annoyed. I have emailed this company twice now inquiring about shipping and have not heard one thing back from them. Too bad, I really like their products, but the customer service has totally turned me off! **
Check them out at
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