I saw these on one of the local websites that I frequent often, Charlotte Monkey Creations, they peeked my interest, so I decided to do some research and check them out.
Bugslock Bands are these adjustable wristbands that are made from 100% natural materials that repel mosquitoes. You can wear them on your wrists, ankles, even put them on your stroller to help keep the bugs away. They give off an aroma which supposedly the insect does not like. It is safe and can be used on infants as it is non-toxic and deet free. They come in a variety of colours and each band lasts about 240 hrs if you put it back in its bag when you are not using it. (That's 10 days!)
I have ordered a few to give them a try and will hopefully be taking them with me when I head up north in just over a week. I will post more about them once I have had a chance to try them out!
You can read more about Buglock Bands at www.bugslockthailand.com or you can purchase some from Charlotte Monkey Creations by visiting her Facebook page at www.facebook.com/#!/CharlotteMonkeyCreations
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