Just last week I picked H up this new book from one of the sellers that leaves books in the staffroom at work. Right away I liked it as it had many first words that he would need to know and also that it was like a puzzle as many of the pictures popped out for matching.
The book is a HIT! He loves it and we have spent a lot of time matching the pieces to their correct spot in the book. In just a few weeks he has learned many new words and is able to match the pieces all on his own.
The summary for the books says:
Containing 20 shaped flash cards that fit into the corresponding space on the page, this book encourages word and picture recognition, and hand-eye coordination. The flash cards can also be used all by themselves. 20 shaped flash cards to fit into the corresponding space on the page Cards can also be used independently. Encourages work and picture recognition, and hand-eye coordination.
I would highly recommend this book - I can see that it will be hours of fun for us! It sells at Chapters for about $12.
H is still loving this book. Just one thing, once it has been used a bit, the pieces don't tend to stay in the book that well. But there is a pocket on the outside to store the flashcards for your next use - so that helps!