Another favourite of mine are those strings that attach the soother to your child's clothing - what an amazing invention. Now, I couldn't just use any old string, I had to find ones in cool colours and funky patterns. Right now I am obsessed with skulls and crossbones so here are my two favs that we use all of the time.
1. Bink Link - this is a cool wood clip. It has neat colours and is also a great chew toy for those teething babies. I have the blue surfs up one and the black and white skull and crossbones.
2. KulaKlips - this is an online company that I found while surfing the net. I like to support smaller home run companies when I can. They make other things than just soother strings, but I wanted a softer option for crawling. They were very reasonable and she had some neat materials and such. I bought the blue guitar one and of course the black skull and crossbones. (It is now an addiction)
I also used a Bink Link because it was so much cuter than the other ones but O is a chewer and I found that the paint started to flake off which seemed like a bad plan so I had to switch to the cloth ones.