Monica shares another fav of hers, the Moby Wrap:
This product is amazing especially if you have 2 kids. I had a sling with my first baby but it just wasn’t cutting it when the second one came along. I needed to be able to use both my arms. It was a little overwhelming at first because it is basically a big piece of material but once you get the hang of how to wrap it (which only took s few times) it was a god send. My little girl absolutely loved it. She would fall asleep in it or just hang out in it. I believe there are 9 different holds you can do with it. I used to go to the park and be able to pick up my oldest put her on the slide, swing etc with no problems. Another nice thing about it is that most men can also wear it because it is not based on body size. It is basically one size fits all. My husband is 6 feet tall and 200 pounds and he was able to wear it too. I ordered mine from http://www.pookababy.com/moby-wrap.html
Thanks, Monica, I have seen these in some of the baby stores here, and always wondered about them!
I tried this with my daughter but she didn't much like being squished up like that. Perhaps I wasn't doing it right. She hated being swaddled too - we did that for about 8 weeks before we gave up.